In order to receive the full number of CEUs for IAAO courses, a student must attend 90% of classroom hours. In a 30-hour course, this equates to 3 hours, rounded to a ½ day. Any absence(s) totaling more than a ½ day will result in the loss of the full 30 hours credit. In both the in-person and virtual (live-online) classrooms, the IAAO instructor takes attendance throughout the course or workshop. For IAAO virtual courses and workshops, students are required to be seen via a webcam throughout the entire course. Regardless of whether a student passes or fails the course exam, the student will receive full CEUs if they have attended a minimum of 90% of the course. An absence from any of the IAAO Workshops will result in the student earning zero continuing education credits.
How do I ensure I receive the continuing education credits for a course or workshop? Print
Modified on: Thu, 13 May, 2021 at 12:25 PM
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